With safety as our primary concern, arrival and drop off procedures are in place and are important to follow. See the procedures for both morning arrival and afternoon dismissal.
Please send all changes of transportation by 2:15 to
Morning Arrival
Morning Drop Off
With safety as our first concern, the supervision of our students is a priority! Drop off of students may begin at 7:15. Even if you are not sure of the time, you will have clues in the form of fellow parents. There are always a few cars waiting in line for it to be 7:15. Those folks wouldn’t be waiting if it was time to release students. Do not drop off students prior to 7:15 at any time. It is not safe. PRES DOES NOT provide early morning care services, and we can only supervise students beginning at 7:15 when employees are on duty.
* Car riders must be dropped off in the back circle drive only.
* Walkers and bike riders enter the building through the front door beginning at 7:15 a.m.
* Bus riders enter the building through the bus entrance on the front side of the school.
*At 7:15, students may enter the building and will go directly to their homeroom where their classroom teacher waits for them just outside their classroom door. Class begins at 7:45. Students are counted tardy if they are not in their classrooms at 7:45. We need every minute we can get.
Afternoon Dismissal
Pick-Up Tags and Dismissal Procedures
Only a parent/guardian listed on the approved pick-up list will be issued one pick-up tag free of charge upon request, and after providing a valid photo ID. Any additional tags are $5 each. The reason for the pick-up tag is to allow the holder to efficiently pick up his/her child without having to show a photo ID each time. This is why we need to check ID’s and your listing in our database with regard to pick up of your child.
This year we will be dismissing on a staggered schedule:
2:45-Bus Rider Dismissal
2:50-Car Rider Dismissal
2:55-Walker Dismissal
Teachers on car rider duty will read the names of your children from the pick-up tag to other waiting teachers on the other end of radios so that your children can be called to come outside to meet you. Students are then escorted to their waiting parent or vehicle for a safe and secure delivery.
No students will be dismissed as a walker unless your residence is within 1 mile of the school, and they are indeed walking home. Students will no longer be dismissed as a walker to walk to a car or golf cart. All cars and golf carts must use the car rider line behind the school.
All independent walkers will be dismissed through the front door and walked across the crosswalk off school grounds. For students who walk home independently or ride their bikes in the same way, they must have an “Independent Walker/Biker” signed permission slip on file with us. They are escorted by a teacher as they cross Paris Ave. and leave school grounds.
If students are not independent walkers and you would rather meet them to walk home, please ensure that you meet them no later than 2:55, and you will be required to show your pick-up tag with your child’s name. These walkers are dismissed from the side door near the playground.
Early Sign-Out
Checking out students within 30 minutes of the end of school will not be permitted. EARLY SIGN-OUTS for individual students ends at 2:15 p.m.; except in the event of an emergency. If early sign-outs become excessive, your child will not be released from school without a doctor’s note or a confirmed appointment, such as a meeting with an outside agency.
All students must be picked up no later than 3:00 p.m. each afternoon.
Changes in Transportation
Because changes in transportation of students presents opportunities to make mistakes, the only way we can make such changes is if the request is recorded in writing. Emailed transportation changes should be sent to the classroom teacher(s), and to